Obsolescence Guaranteed
Recommended: Gigatron
a computer w/o a microprocessor
Some 5500 PiDP-11s have gone out as of February 2024.
See the PiDP-11 forum for updates. And please join if you're interested.
I finally dealt with the problem of backlogs and waiting lists. Now, if you want a kit, just click on the button to the right to go to the order form. I will then contact you with either a paypal invoice or a credit card link, depending on your preference. Shipping is now fast, out of inventory from a fulfillment center in Florida.
Price for the kit is $270 plus shipping.
If you prefer an assembled & tested machine, that adds $125 to the cost.
I used to make all the kits from my home, but with the introduction of the upcoming PiDP-1 and PiDP-10, we're now a team of four and CEDS is the name we chose for our kit-making antics. So my new adress, in case you don't want to order but just have a question,
is oscar <at> ceds.dev .
Try before you buy: the software works fine on a Pi without the PiDP-11 hardware. Although you are Blinkenless and will have to boot the operating systems from the command line rather than through the front panel. A user manual is available for download here (link). You can open it in MS Word; as it is added to constantly there is no PDF copy yet.
Note: if we have assembled & tested machines in stock, the order form on the right will let you choose the assembled option. But you still need to add your own Raspberry Pi!