Obsolescence Guaranteed
Recommended: Gigatron
a computer w/o a microprocessor
Thank you for considering to adopt a PiDP-10!
And please join the PiDP-10 forum if you're interested. The whole purpose of this project is to keep the PDP-10 alive, so we hope you will. The manual (link) is still a work in progress, but at some 50 pages it will tell you much more.​ The first 500 kits have gone out in early 2024.
If you want a kit, just click on the button to the right to go to the order form.
- If we have kits ready for shipping, we can send you one straight away, out of inventory from a fulfillment center in Florida.
- Sometimes we run out of stock, in which case the order form will ask if you want to be notified when we have new kits ready to send out.
Kit: $370 plus shipping
Assembled & tested: adds $125 to the cost
If you think $370 is expensive: at least it is not because of profiteering. It is the cost of two injection molds, each over half a meter wide. But I felt the PiDP-10 had to look perfect, there was no other way.
I used to make the PiDP kits from my home, but that got to be too much. So last year, I helped to set up CEDS, where the kits are now made. For order-related questions, use this email address: oscar <at> ceds.dev .
Try before you buy: the software works fine on a Pi without the PiDP-10 hardware. Although you are Blinkenless and will have to boot the operating systems manually rather than through the front panel.
A user manual will be available soon for download (WIP).